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Beef Sloan

382 Posts
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Beef Sloan
1/3/2008 7:36:57 PM
Carla, Thanks for the kind words... But... You are what makes CMU7 So Great! Always to your Success, Beef

Always to your Success,

Author: Life vs Death
Beef's FB page
Clicking the Above link will take you to Life vs Death Page on Face
Book Order: LIFE vs DEATH

Beef Sloan
1/4/2008 12:06:34 PM
OK, big deal, POTW, consider this - It ALWAYS hurts when you pat yourself on your own back. It's meant to. A much better way is to act in such a way that others will pat you on the back for what you do. That way BOTH parties feel better about the experience. (an original Gunther G. quote) You're a 10 all the way my friend.
Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991
Beef Sloan

382 Posts
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Beef Sloan
1/4/2008 12:06:34 PM
Hi Gunther, Thanks for the rating and advise. Always to your Success, Beef

Always to your Success,

Author: Life vs Death
Beef's FB page
Clicking the Above link will take you to Life vs Death Page on Face
Book Order: LIFE vs DEATH

Roy Rapp

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Beef Sloan
1/29/2008 3:57:06 PM
My friend, Over the years I have chased many pipe dreams, spent money on things I didn't have to spend, believed in many people that proved to be quite less than they portrayed themselves to be but more so I have been fortunate enough to meet a handful of people that had integrity, morals and simply cared about others. It's those people that somehow magically erase all the past blunders I have made and keep the light that really matters, shinning bright. You my friend have been one of those handful of people...... True friends are rare today, I am fortunate to have one in you. God Bless, Roy and Sherri P.S. My rating of 10 is simply a number, your actions speak so much higher!
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Beef Sloan

382 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Beef Sloan
1/29/2008 3:57:06 PM
Hi Roy, Thank you for the kind words... the feeling is mutual. God Bless! Always to your Success, Beef

Always to your Success,

Author: Life vs Death
Beef's FB page
Clicking the Above link will take you to Life vs Death Page on Face
Book Order: LIFE vs DEATH
