Beautiful baby!
Roberto Carrillo is my husband. I read your comment in his feedback page.
You CAN legally refuse any and all vaccines and the doctor has no say so. Vaccines are VOLUNTARY.
The worst the doctor can do is refuse to see your child. If so, then he or she is doing you a favor. You are free to take your child to an alternative health practitioner such as a chiropractor and/or naturopath.
There is NO LAW written anywhere that says you have to take your healty child to regular doctor visits or only MD doctors.
If you do take your new baby to an MD as opposed to a naturopath and/or chiropractor, please be aware and careful of any forms you sign.
I'm referring to those "Refusal To Vaccinate" forms put out by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Go to this page below and find out why signing this form is very dangerous. We all know about these forms and how they can be used to undermine parental rights...
That form is a form to cover his butt, and also snare you into admitting child neglect simply by the deliberate trickery in the legal language. Those are not exemption forms.
For legal exemptions to vaccinations:
I spent 4 years compiling those webpages and grabbed every exemption form, letter, affidavit and refusal form out there.
God bless you and your family!
~Donna C.