Hello Sheryl,
I just wanted to say that I think that every thing that is said in business and life in general can be positive. Only those that have a positive attitude will succeed in business and in life and every person out there that thinks money is everthing will learn the hard way. Yes I do feel that money and a good business sense will get you far in life and help you reach all of your goals. However to every one who thinks that money and business is everything I truely feel for them because you can make money, do business, and even if you are rich money cant buy happiness. Yes it can help but family and love is more important then any thing. At least that is my opinion. I know that you need money to survive in the world but if you dont have a positive attitude and love then all the money in the world does not make a difference. I am a positive person and I do have great financial goals but I fell that living life to the fullest and having love comes first to every thing.