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Gisela Santibanez
3/1/2006 11:22:05 PM
All People are Rated a 10 Until they don't like ya or try to get back at you for something ok.. Cool H.B. Shadow
James A. Prince aka The Shadow
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Gisela Santibanez
3/1/2006 11:22:05 PM
Thank You very much Mr Misterious Gisela
Gisela Santibanez
3/2/2006 9:55:00 PM
I have started a business from my home and am very interested in learning more about internet marketting. Please take some time at look into my site at Thank you for your time and look forward to our friendship.
Tim Czajkowski
Gisela Santibanez
3/5/2006 10:08:49 PM
Thank You Gisela, Not alot of people know it's your birthday online, so that means alot to me. Thank you for accepting me and being my support as I'm going through my new invention experience. Please help spread my new link to pull in new sales at 50%. GPS monitors, Playstation 2, Wireless GPS, Laptops, desktops, Video games, Xbox games, digital cameras, printers, scanners, plasma TV's & more!! Power tools, Offie equip, housewares, women's Fragrances, Games, puzzels music instruments etc....... Thank you,
In Him we strive ><> Chris Seals 503-666-3590
Flag of Gisela Santibanez

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Gisela Santibanez
3/5/2006 10:08:49 PM
Thanks to you Chris! Gisela

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