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Holly Goodyer
12/11/2005 6:47:20 PM
great smile beautiful and sincere i have to rate you with 10
Alfred Delgado
Holly Goodyer

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Holly Goodyer
12/11/2005 6:47:20 PM
Thankyou so much Alfred,I very much appreciate your taking the time to do this. Cheers Holly
Holly Goodyer
12/25/2005 10:34:42 PM
I dont think I recall the material as follows_-- Did i send this back to you?? Hello to all team 4. This exciting adventure is about to get started. We have a little bit to do before we get down to tin tacks. The form that has to be filled in as requested. ie. emailed to David and Rick and the hard copy which you have copied/pasted/printed and filled in snail mailed to the address given. I have taken the liberty of re posting the form here. I have also emailed you your ID #'s. If you have not received them please let me know. Cheers Holly Wizard Of Success Adventure Team ( WOSAT) Membership Agreement and Authorization of Earnings Disposal and Disbursement NAME: _____________________________________ Physical Address _____________________________ City ________________________________ State or Province_______________________________ Country_____________________________ Zip or Mailing Code____________________ EMAIL ADDRESS ____________________________ SS* OR Tax I.D. * ________________________________ WOSAT I.D. * ________________________________ I agree that any commissions, residuals, bonuses or any other monies earned through my membership activities in Wizards of Success Adventure Team (WOSAT) will be put into the general WOSAT funding account for equal distribution to all WOSAT members. I understand that my earnings will be paid by WOSAT from this funding account. I have included my SS* and/or Tax I.D. # required by my country for tax purposes and Authentication of Identity. WOSAT accounting will be handled by the elected Treasurer and Financial Audit Team and Approved by The Board prior to disbursal. All accounting will be available for review upon request. _______________________ Signature ________________________ Date *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** Please email copy by January 6, 2006 to: AND MAIL HARD COPY TO: Wizards Of Success Adventure Team % Dr. David King ,Owner & Chairman 7346 Fire Department Rd. Hope Mills, N.C. 28348-8955 YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY PROGRAMS UNLESS THIS RELEASE IS RECEIVED BY JANUARY 9th, 2006. There must be a Hard copy original mailed to the Above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Should I send something to North Carolina?? I am kind of fgetting ...well.. confused as to waht I sent in to you.. Patrick ??? Sorry.. :(
Patrick OConnell Albuquerque NM
Holly Goodyer

171 Posts
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Holly Goodyer
12/25/2005 10:34:42 PM
Thanks mate for doing that, really appreciate it. We are on a path to success.
Larry Anderson

2606 Posts
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Holly Goodyer
12/27/2005 3:41:51 AM
I rated Holly a 10 because she is dedicated to her work
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson