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Theresa Cole
10/26/2005 9:17:35 PM
Hello Ulises Thank You For The Rating And Yes We Can Be Friends. Your Friend Theresa
Theresa Cole
10/29/2005 1:59:08 AM
I love your web page. Welcome to the adland pro family
Robena Neil
Theresa Cole
10/29/2005 1:59:08 AM
Hello Robena Thank You For The Rating I Appreciate It Very Much.Have A Great Day. Your Friend Theresa
Theresa Cole
11/6/2005 10:05:40 PM
If you don't want anybody to know who you are then why would you put a pic of your child on a worldwide veiwing portal. with all the pedaphiles and evil people out there you should have not put up any pic I only like to talk to those who are not shy of who they are
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Cheri Merz

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Theresa Cole
11/7/2005 12:31:37 PM
Theresa I'm here to combat the poor rating some misguided soul has given you. If all the people who read David's forum and supported you would do the same, we'd raise your rating by diluting the other one. I'm going back to the forum to suggest it. The other thing I'm here to do is tell you that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. I believe that focusing on anything with fear is likely to invite that thing into your life. Focus instead on the positive things in your life, like your sweet daughter. Eliminate the fear from your decisions! Decide what you want, not what you don't want, and focus on it with joy. Cheri

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