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Lee Talmadge

612 Posts
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Heather Maggio
9/26/2005 5:23:37 PM
Hi Heather, Thank You for joining adland family and I hope you find it as supportive and useful as I have :-) Lee P.S your website looks great nice job
Heather Maggio
9/26/2005 5:23:37 PM
Lee, Thank you so much. This all new to me and I really do appreciate the input. I wasn't sure if I had too much or not enough content. Thnaks again.
Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Heather Maggio
9/28/2005 10:39:36 PM
hello, very nice site,glad you are here,welcome,kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Heather Maggio
9/28/2005 10:39:36 PM
Thank if I could just get some people on over to it. Out of everything I've been trying, Adland seems to be the best. Most of the ideas I've gotten here have been the most helpful. I'm so glad I'm here. I've done some many things in the past few days that I can't remember how I got here, but I sure am glad I did. Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it.
Heather Maggio
10/9/2005 1:34:02 PM
Wonderful person to have on your friends list.. Very kind and a pleasure to know.. Great Site! Very professional and wonderful products.. Roxane :)

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