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Phillip Black

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Person Of The Week
Roy Leazer
3/9/2010 2:23:47 PM
Hi Roy, Just stopped by to say Hi. Hope you're doing well. I was over in Salisbury just the other day, and I realized how long it had been. My old favorite Waffle House right off of Innis St. was gone. Lots of changes going on. Have A Terrific Day, Phil
“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Roy Leazer
3/29/2010 5:23:21 PM
Grande oportunidad te espera Great opportunity awaits you! People always want to know what is working and making money now for people online. You can have everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want. This one is for REAL. Listen Carefully !!! http://www
D Persaud

244 Posts
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Roy Leazer
4/6/2010 2:15:24 PM
Hi Roy.Just dropped by to say Have An Awesome Day!
Roy Leazer
4/26/2010 10:43:02 PM
Personally help three people become Customers and earn FREE Wireless Service EVERY Month! If this makes good business common sense to you, stick around. If not, click that “X” in the upper right-hand corner. Nobody will know, except you. Just a little note to say Thank You very much for always reading my emails. It's a trying time in our economy right now and so people need a little pick me up s
James Mckenzie

6394 Posts
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Roy Leazer
4/27/2010 2:09:38 AM
Hi Roy Creating a better life for tomorrow with health, prosperity and longevity. James
Feel free to contact me lets network together for one common goal. SUCCESS IN 10 STEPS James McKenzie, 843-277-0964 Skype jmckenzie901