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Lisa Westberry

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Steve Jaques
8/20/2005 6:02:23 PM
Hey Steve, I like your site. Too bad you can not help with the Deck my Family wants to build. Let me know if you need any help with your other files, Ads, Webpage etc. Your Friend, Lee
Steve Jaques
8/20/2005 6:02:23 PM
Hi Lee Thank you for the comment regarding my site and being the first person to give me a rating. The site is very young at the moment, but hopefully will be becoming more interesting as I go along Many thanks again Best wishes Steve
Kathy Hamilton

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Steve Jaques
8/21/2005 10:45:36 AM
Hello Steve, glad you are here, very cool site,Please join our forums so we may know you better, your new friend, kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Steve Jaques
8/21/2005 10:45:36 AM
Hi Kathy Thanks for the comment regarding my site. It's very young at the moment as I only discovered Blogging etc very recently. DavId Smith is the guilty party for the background and layout for the site. Very handy being great freinds with someone so clever. I will be taking a active role within the forums, although at the moment it enough to just keep up with all the welcoming invites I have recieved. Best wishes Steve
Paul Davey

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Steve Jaques
8/21/2005 2:16:34 PM
It's aways good to have someone with a sense of humor, I hope you do. Paul
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