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Carol Salisbury
9/29/2005 7:09:33 PM
Greetings Carol Salisbury, Gary and Janice Hawkins just left your websites and we found them to be informative and professional as well so we rated you a 10 out of 10. We enjoyed looking at your work! We would like to encourage others to spend some time here too! Welcome to the community and if we can ever be of any assistance please let us know, respectfully your new friends in Idaho, USA.
Carol Salisbury

227 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Carol Salisbury
9/29/2005 7:09:33 PM
Wow, Gary & Janice! Thank you so much for your rating! I am humbled by your comments! Blessings, Carol
Bill Sullivan

96 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Carol Salisbury
9/30/2005 2:00:07 PM
Thanks Carol and you do have a cute doggie. Be sure to listen and here this for you and your love ones. Bill
Bill Sullivan Own keywords. Advertize first pay with the profits
Carol Salisbury

227 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Carol Salisbury
9/30/2005 2:00:07 PM
Thanks for the great rating, Bill! I did visit your link... VERY impressive! I recommend everyone visit it! Blessings! Carol
Carol Salisbury
9/30/2005 11:19:38 PM
Hi Carol, Liked your WebSite. I wish you the very best in your Business Venture. Your Friend, Sweetgrame