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Bianca Gubalke
6/29/2006 12:25:17 PM
Hello Hector, thanks for rating and it's good to finally see YOU on a picture! You know that I keep getting bounced emails from you? Can you insert a GOOD email address in your YORGOO and YCADEMY??? There are so many GOOD things happening Hector - and you are part of the family! Warm regards from sunny SOuth Africa Bianca
weGOtop Teamleader "Where Ego becomes WeGo!" Cape Town - South Africa
Bianca Gubalke
7/7/2006 1:49:15 PM
A 10 for your smile alone. It is great the feel the joy that radiates from your smile. May you manifest all that you desire. And live in that manifestation with great joy and ease. Love and LIght Cecil Coolspirit
Cecil Coolspirit - BTO Solutions Online
Bianca Gubalke
7/7/2006 1:49:15 PM
Thank you Cecil, for your kind and wise words! With the beauty of Spring and new Life around, the Universe is close and in itself a daily Gift to receive, cherish and... pass on. Here comes the Sun!!! Reflection of all that's good and positive in Creation... as only that can rise and be reflected. May it shine on you! Bianca
weGOtop Teamleader "Where Ego becomes WeGo!" Cape Town - South Africa
Bianca Gubalke
2/28/2007 1:56:05 PM
Creative techniques, that's a new word for this creativeness.
Denyse Misher
Bianca Gubalke
2/28/2007 1:56:05 PM
Thanks Denise! As I said above... sorry for answering late but there was no way for me to log in... BUT we never never NEVER give up! Have a wonderful day! Bianca
weGOtop Teamleader "Where Ego becomes WeGo!" Cape Town - South Africa