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Judy Gal
9/5/2005 6:20:50 PM
Hi Laurent I bet you are wondering why I am just getting back to you on this topic, truth is I just found it, "Don't laugh" Dido to you, you are to kind. Have a great day! Judy
Judy Gal.
Judy Gal
9/9/2005 3:21:01 PM
Hi, Judy I got your message and somehow lost it before i got to read it. I did get the part about being an artist, It sound like you are now getting into oils,you will love this meium. The best thing about oils is you can move them days later and of course the smell. enjoy yourself. Thanks, Anthony
Judy Gal
9/9/2005 3:21:01 PM
Sorry I guess it has taken me awhile to get back to you Yes Ive tapped into oil and I enjoy When I find the time that is. I Find I enjoy my pencil art the most, now I find myself with a digital camera in my hand!! clicking on everything I see, I just love it all Sorry if I didn't get back to you on this I just noticed this message today! Do have a great day! Judy here....
Judy Gal.
Judy Gal
9/13/2005 10:31:57 AM
lullaby and other music cd, it is like a movie (film) soundtrack" The new contemporary classic music made in the world by brazilian musician. please, listen to my music named: "picture of death?. to female voice, flute, oboe, viola, cello, piano.... the Author:robson dos santos, brazilian contemporary classic music composer.
Judy Gal
9/13/2005 10:31:57 AM
I just noticed my rating if you are wondering why Im writing now You are to kind. Thank you and I love your music I have given your web to many. Have a great day! Judy
Judy Gal.

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