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Dee Hudson

370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Alan Shaw
6/18/2006 9:25:18 PM
Alan has always been very helpful as my friend and you can trust him in his judgment and advice. Thank you Alan Dee Hudson
Alan Shaw

17 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Alan Shaw
6/18/2006 9:25:18 PM
HI Again Dee Well thank-you for the rating,i am not used to this attention. I only wrote my blog how it is. I get 1000 of mails from people making fortunes on the net, or so they say. When i started i thought it would be easy, getting prospects that is, my upline said it would be easy, because the business is so good, but then so are the thousands i get every day in my mail box.For fear of repeating myself, why should we expect a complete stranger to invest wit us. Any-way have great success with SAW the News Letter tells it how it is as well. Alan@Adland
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