Dear Friends !
Thank you for your message and rating.
You are right ! We are worlds apart but we enoy hearing and seeing what our friends all over the world are doing and what they are promoting too. Regarding me, I am running my own "International Friends Organisation", "International Business & Job Opportunities" - "International Mail Order Advertising and Marketing Services" + I am a humble member of so many International Friends Organisations/Business Establishments/Advertising and Marketing their business at Dubai, United Arab Emirates. I am residing in Dubai, U.A.E. Besides, I am trying to migrate to U.S.A. or Canada or Australia.
If you need to know anything more in detail about me, please feel free to contact me on my e-mail : or call me on my Mobile : 0p0971502243765. Awaiting your earliest response from your side.
With lots of Love and Affection !
Your Ever Loving Friend,
Mohamed Khadar Gani