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Phillip Black
2/7/2016 4:06:54 PM
Nice to meet you!
Kenneth Ndah

2 Posts
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Phillip Black
2/18/2016 7:56:23 AM
hello Phil, it's nice meeting people who are bold in Christ for we are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it's the power of God unto salvation for anyone who believes the Jews then the greek. hope in due time we'll get to talk more about this blessed gospel of grace and the righteousness which we receive as a gift from god by faith the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ the King.
Phillip Black
2/18/2016 1:07:13 PM
Hello Philip. Nice to meet you. Stay blessed
Phillip Black
2/19/2016 2:26:34 PM
You have a story so beautiful and amazing. Thanks for share it with us! I'm glad to meet you and I hope that my English to be good enough that we can communicate. Stay blessed!
Phillip Black
3/2/2016 11:44:21 PM
Hi Phillip nice to follow you

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