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Phil Black
12/19/2009 5:21:49 AM
Gppd morning from India, how are you ? Wish you season greetingsSuhnta De19 Dec 09
Phil Black
12/23/2009 2:24:16 AM
Hi Phil:Thanks so much for your email and your kind remarks. I read your Profile and it is quite interesting. You certainly are a Marketing Professional. Thanks again and have yourself a very Merry Christmas!!Noreen
Phil Black
12/28/2009 4:15:55 PM
I'm sorry but I really reallybad speak english.Thanks for the offer, would we honor.
Frieke Karlovits

22 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Phil Black
12/28/2009 8:42:17 PM
Hi Phil - thanks for being a friend - it's always nice to meet ones opposite - I am not a sales person at all - but I love ntwork marketing and have been doing it for years. Now co-operating as a coach and mentor for people who want to succeed. Have agreat new year!
Mag. Frieke Karlovits freiia112 on skype Make Your Life Better
Phil Black
12/28/2009 10:39:27 PM
Hi Phil.First of all I am honored, to be asked by you to be your friend. Your sense of purpose coupled with a strong work ethic are an encouragement to all and I applaud you. Phil, I would like you in your spare time if there is such a thing in your life, to just go to a site and take a look. It won't cost you a penny! go to bless you and yours!
James Lykins

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