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Jan Green
4/28/2008 3:39:29 PM
Thank You sooooo much Gunther, I appreciate you signing up for a couple of my offerings too! Are you using your MoneyMails earnings to advertise? In addition to AdlandPro, I am also promoting my business site. I am looking forward to seeing you in Beta Home Business Group ;)
Jan Green
10/11/2008 1:18:25 PM
Hi This is from my messages. I deleted the post and deleted the space to answer you. Please forgive me for not getting back sooner. I have health problems that keep me from sitting long. So I haven't been thorough in my emails. Thanks for telling me about Google. I unsubscribed this week, I didn't get any paychecks either. Tons of email, I just did not want. Yes, I always thought McCain had a medical problem of some sort. I don't really like his vice-president pick. I was supporting Obama, but am disappointed in him not wanting to fund the troops, we would not be able to live freely in America if not for the fighting boys on the front lines. Of Course, America needs to choose more carefully who she wants to support when sending in the troops. Let the countries fight their own battles. Haste has made wasted lives as we have seen and are still in the throws of seeing, if the troops aren't called home. Sylvia Browne, Phychic on Montel, says the troops will be called home by the end of the year. Have a great day! Scarlett
Hello Neighbor, I want to apologize for the last posting. The url was incomplete. Here it is again. GET YOUR GOOGLE PAY-PER-CLICK AD FREE! Sorry if I missed anyone's email. Have a great day! Warm regar
Jan Green
10/11/2008 1:18:25 PM
Sylvia, I am a Vietnam Era Veteran and as I do support fellow Veterans, the Iraq campaign is the one of the worst Admin acts in US History; invading a country on unproven information is a National Disaster. You can earn with AdlandPro's affiliate program; sign-up, minimum payout is $35.00.
Leif Anderson

31 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Jan Green
3/8/2009 4:28:45 PM
I met Jan about one year ago on TrafficEra, and she introduced me to social networking and how it could help me. She still continues to help me, and therefore deserves all the respect and commendations that she can get. She is a true networker, but most of all, she is a true friend.
Leif Anderson 701-226-3033
Jan Green
3/8/2009 4:28:45 PM
Lief, you are a good supporting networker; I appreciate your participation in JazLive Network on the LinkedIn site.