Thank you for your feedback. Totally enligtened my day and brought an honest smile to my face! Please join our mailing List as we have much coming in the next few months that are gonna be some MAJOR Give-Aways...and if you contribute a Gift, you get the name and email of each person that downloads your gift! None of this, you have to get all these referrals to get your list...it is too obvious these people at these want 1 thing! The FREE Programs, i mean who wouldn't right? Ours will also be geared towards helping get products to start their biz that they otherwise would not be able to get for lack of funds, etc. Our Goal is to help...yes of course we want to make money too but we also want to help others make some too.
Anyway, Thanks again for the feedback and rating! Have a good one and if there's something we can do to help you out with, just let us know. We are new and our sites are young, but we have over 12 years experience in this Business between me and my partner!
Laurie Brandt