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Kathy Hamilton

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Joyce Parker-Hyde
7/29/2005 9:05:45 AM
Hello joyce, welcome to adland. please join our forums, interesting site,kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Joyce Parker Hyde

1967 Posts
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Joyce Parker-Hyde
7/29/2005 9:05:45 AM
Hi Kathy, Thank you, and what a beautiful lady you are, if I may say. (My son is already married, so I had better stop looking:) I will try to keep up as I tend to drift from place to place. For some reason, I'm still shy about forums, but I'm getting over it. Thanks again. Joyce
Joyce Parker-Hyde
4/1/2006 4:54:03 PM
Great benefits in this plan. A nice site that I saw it captures a person's attention quickly.
Joyce Parker-Hyde
5/3/2006 10:48:08 PM
Hello Joyce, Thank you for your input and I will try my best to keep you coming. Your help was great. Once again, thank you. P.S.
I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)
Joyce Parker-Hyde
10/21/2006 7:49:40 PM
I am a Canadian resident but hail from the Caribbean.Tragedy knows no border,what happened to people of New Orleans after the Hurricans is a tragedy, unfortunately other states are also involved. For the most part the Caribbean has frequent hurricanes and floodings. Tourist from rich countries tend to judge the poverty but one reason for it was the slow recovery from weather damage. It takes years and just when you recover there is another hurricane. Unfortunately people in the past have been oblivious to the long term repercussions so now that North America has a direct experience I hope they will not sit in judgement It is now in their Back yard It is we as a community that has to rebuil unfortunately the powerful hire the inefficient Just Pray and trust things will change Florida or California would have fared better I am sure you can figure out why