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James Wright

2397 Posts
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Anthony. Hobbs. 'security Guy
11/5/2005 10:28:02 PM
Anthony, You do dress up well! You have my sympathy. Back in '98, I hurt my back, and life has not been the same since. Take Care, Jim
Anthony. Hobbs. 'security Guy
11/5/2005 10:28:02 PM
Hi Jim. Thanks for dropping by & giving us such a high vote. Yes, back injury sure is a 'pain' I would not wish what we have been through on my worst enemy, (well maybe!) As for our lives ever getting back to how they were, I doubt it very much. Thanks for the nice comment & the sympathy. Anthony.
Dave Cottrell

2802 Posts
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Anthony. Hobbs. 'security Guy
11/8/2005 6:05:16 PM
Anthony, my friend, I can't believe I missed giving you feedback till now! You have been a great encouragement to me right from the start here at Adland and sure deserve at least a 10! God bless, Dave
Anthony. Hobbs. 'security Guy
11/8/2005 6:05:16 PM
Dave. Thank you so much for that 'pat on the back' I must admit it has indeed been a pleasure getting to know you also. Your security friend. Anthony.
Anthony. Hobbs. 'security Guy
11/12/2005 6:58:17 AM
Hello ! I gave you a ten rating - because you deserve it - for all that you do for others. Have an Awesome Day !!
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