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Joe Downing

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Patricia Bartch
2/9/2007 6:17:52 AM
Hi Patricia, I believe when others say nice things to strangers, they should be rewarded. You accepted my friendship invitation with nice and encouraging words. Thank you for welcoming me to Adland in such a special way. You are so awesome, I have to give you a 10! Joe Downing SMILE, YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED
***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Patricia Bartch

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Patricia Bartch
2/9/2007 6:17:52 AM
Hi Joe. You're SO welcome!! I'm a bit overwhelmed that you rated me so quickly. I am very glad for your offer of friendship. Thanks and Take care. I hope you have a GREAT 2007!! May you be healthy and wealthy! Pat
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Linda Harvey

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Patricia Bartch
3/4/2007 4:06:56 PM
Love your write up ! and story !
Patricia Bartch

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Patricia Bartch
3/4/2007 4:06:56 PM
Thanks Linda. I appreciate your support and all the training in our Jerky Direct program. You've been helpful before we even became team mates. You are honest and have intregrity!!! Thanks Linda for your rating. Pat
I'm Your AVON LADY: *Ask me how to get FREE Shipping.
Joyce Parker Hyde

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Patricia Bartch
3/12/2007 9:27:33 PM
Pretty Patricia! I rated Patricia a 10 because one of the first things a person sees when looking at a community is the pictures and faces of those involved. Patricia has one of those sweet smiles that begs you to find out what she has to say-then you find out she's a really great person.

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