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Patricia Bartch

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Patricia Bartch
3/7/2010 9:56:39 PM
Thank you so much to my friend Alain for nominating my forum in BFA. I'll be posting a HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S Day picture thread of my cats soon. all come visit please.
I'm Your AVON LADY: *Ask me how to get FREE Shipping.
Patricia Bartch
3/24/2010 3:57:25 PM
Hello Friend, so happy on your win in BFA. The cats were so cute for St. Pat's Day!!
Patricia Bartch

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Patricia Bartch
3/24/2010 11:46:01 PM
Think about SPRING & Think AVON! I'm Pat, your AVON LADY. Anyone who orders from me, I'll give you FREE GIFT. Sorry, this is for USA customers only. Here's my store.
I'm Your AVON LADY: *Ask me how to get FREE Shipping.
Beth Schmillen

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Patricia Bartch
3/28/2010 1:07:57 AM
You just need to hear are a Phenomenal Woman, a Beautiful Person, doing an Extraordinary Job, making things happen for those You Love. Although you might not always feel it, you are Loved and Appreciated.♥ Post this on the profiles of 7 Women Who Deserve to be Noticed ♥
Linda Harvey

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Patricia Bartch
3/28/2010 8:12:54 PM
Awesome ! Thank you Patricia ! You just need to hear it, you're a Phenomenal Woman, a Beautiful Person, doing an Extraordinary Job, making things happen for those You Love. You are Loved and Appreciated.♥ Post this on the profiles of 7 Women Who Deserve to be Noticed ♥