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Tom Sparrow

666 Posts
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Jerome Dsouza
4/10/2007 9:17:54 AM
Thanks for sending me emails here and then blocking mine back to you!!!!! Why???
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Jerome Dsouza

28 Posts
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Jerome Dsouza
4/10/2007 9:17:54 AM
Hi Tom, So far I have about 93 friends here at adlandpro and have yet to block a single one. I wonder how you got blocked. Truly have no idea Tom. Finest, Jerome
Fix Your Own PC - Do It Free!
Roswell Cline, MBA

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Jerome Dsouza
5/3/2007 11:31:38 AM
Hi Jerome, you have emailed my son at salishtrader@hotmial concerning yourcashcow. My father is a member of adlandpro, so I had to stop in and visit your adlandpro site. I plan to read the free book, the gift is appreciated. Your site is very good, with just enough humor to keep it intersting. My father says Hi and that he would like to be placed on your friend list. His adland name is: 1great Ryawn
Turn-Off your pop-up blocker and have a look at my team mates shiny new Car. If a 57 year old Internet Dummy Can Do this any one can. Don't Need A Car! How About a Cruise? 3 Luxury cruises are up for grabs!
Jerome Dsouza

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Jerome Dsouza
5/3/2007 11:31:38 AM
Ryawn, this is an honor! Truly, to be rated mean a kindred soul has recognized and appreciated something good somewhere. Well, I'm as normal as they come, I like appreciation but shy away from it. Just hope the info I sent your dad could be of material use to both of you and all those you intend to use it on. Cheers, Jerome D
Fix Your Own PC - Do It Free!
Neil Sperling

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Jerome Dsouza
5/9/2007 7:11:31 PM
Jerome You have dropped by my forum and contacted me a couple times. Your professionalism shows and I want to thank you for being my friend. Gld to have you on board! Neil Sperling MB

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