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John Cox
12/15/2005 4:29:06 PM
Hello I see you are interested in Health I am in the business of Saving Lives! Major Diseases 100% Preventable/Reversed Cancer cells die...... Arteries unclog.... Say NO to:Cancer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, parkinson's and many more. Members buy products at a Very Low Cost! OPTION: Earn Huge Income! Yours For Health, Richard
Scientific Health Breakthroughs. Major Diseases 100% Preventable/Most Cases reversed. OPTION: Become a High Income Earner! Make Money, Save Money! How to's, news and more!
John Cox
5/2/2008 3:02:51 PM
I do expect abundance, John, and thank you for reminding me to hold that powerfully attractive thought in my mind. Hi Bob, like you, I'm happy to help. This is how I'm helping today. Today, while I was advertising on Adland Pro I came across where people were posting quotes. I've been responding to the ones that I like and also have been passing along something I think everyone's likely to be interested in -Saving money at the gas tank. There's a new technology coming out in May and I've had the good fortune to try it early and it works; it even works on the lowest cost gas. You can find out about it at and if you are interested in profiting from it by telling others, you can sign up for free and build a downline by telling people about it like I am. Please forgive me if this is not what you wanted to hear. I can't imagine though anyone who wouldn't want to save on sky-rocketing gas costs. To our abundance, Michael 386-427-4617 Michael

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