That's a really neat picture! Wish we could figur out how to get one on our computer and website,
We had received an email that stated we had a visitor to the following Ad/Website. We were just trying to offer the following:
Heading: Refinance/Consolidate
Ad Body: Refinance & get rid of all your debts, plus become part of Private Organzation. Get a 1 week Offshore Financial Seminar. You'll SAVE money & learn secrets of the wealthy! Utilize Equity going to make your "Lender" Rich; use it for you and your Family.
If you can utilize the service call us at 800-294-8654, Ext 1728. We have Financial Planners who can help those in Canada or the U.S. One is a Live Call tonight, Tues at 8 PM
EDT & the other is Weds at 9 PM.
Refer anyone and and get a $100-2000 "Referral Bonus."
Vicky & Tony Wright