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Ricardo Alcaraz

203 Posts
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Re: Sunday Smile :-) 12/11/2005 Why Jesus Is Better Than Santa Claus
12/12/2005 7:35:40 AM
Hello Marion, Great one! You zeroed in on the real "WHO" behind the season! Cheers! Ricardo
Re: Sunday Smile :-) 12/11/2005 Why Jesus Is Better Than Santa Claus
12/12/2005 8:42:57 PM
Thank you, He is the reason for the season.
Janise Collins

369 Posts
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Re: Sunday Smile :-) 12/11/2005 Why Jesus Is Better Than Santa Claus
12/14/2005 1:44:02 AM
Marion, Thank you for this thought provoking introspective analogy. Yes, Jesus is the reason for the season. The stores may want to erase Christ by stating Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas but, we who know Christ as our saviour know the real reason we celebrate Christmas. Have a blessed and successful day! Merry Christmas and Happy New year! :) Janise
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners

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