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Getting paid to blog?
12/10/2005 2:54:19 PM
I just getting into this blog world, and I ran across this opportunity.. Now I don't know much about blogging in this sense. I just started the paid to surf thang.. which I was very sketical about.. but now we have paid to blog too???? Can someone look into this for me.. I started a thread in my forum too.. but I need some quick feedback? Well.. I've referred alot of programs, but this is all news to me.. But this is how the program works.. There are millions of people who want to work from home but don't know how. There are millions of people who know how to write. There are millions of people who know how to write, but don't know how to make money with it. We KNOW how to make money with content people write. This site was designed to allow YOU to write content which WE will market and we will ALL make money. We'll make the money for you! It's FREE to join and to write. Then, we split the money, 50/50. So here's how it works: You create an account with us. You create an account with Google Adsense You login and write content to your "blog" on our site You try to write as often as you can We publish your content to our site We serve ads on the pages that have your content Half the time you make money on the ads. Half the time we do. It's really that simple. More Info
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Re: Getting paid to blog?
12/10/2005 3:52:57 PM
Hi Philena, You may wish to check into Bizzy Blogz then. Executive memberships go for $4.00/month. As an affiliate you get 50% of all your signups per month and all ads you place you get all of the money. You even sell ads. Kenneth

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