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Craftie Linda

1349 Posts
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Re: Scrap Yard
12/9/2005 6:35:06 AM
Thanks foe joining my scrap yard Linda
Douglas Grounds

334 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Scrap Yard
12/9/2005 7:00:21 AM
I want to thank you for the joke Linda. Boy Ill bet the watchman was angry when he didnt get his severence pay due to the high costs of staff. If your health needs a boost this is for you. If you have a need for a no-fee credit card, for your business, or personal need this is for you. If you would like to shop online in the mall store its got everything you need even Walmart store, law offices, to mention a few.You wont have to deal with the crowds of people. If you have any advertising needs, for your website, business, or even a garage sale, this will benefit you a lot. This is something every business needs, and that is a domain name, or your customers when struggling to remember random numbers, and letters, to get to your website, go to your competition for assistance. Best regards Douglas Grounds
Douglas Grounds
Re: Scrap Yard
12/9/2005 7:28:52 AM
Thanks Linda This reminds me why I'm self-employed! Season's Greetings to you and all our friends. Regards Maggie
Re: Scrap Yard
12/9/2005 7:54:05 AM
Well, there you go! Amusing. Happy Holidays.
Can $5, $40 or $150 Return $1,000,000? For over 15 years providing above average income for average people!
Re: Scrap Yard
12/9/2005 9:53:30 AM
Hi Linda, I have come across such a scenario. Thanks for the laugh. Have a great day David Tolentino 877-865-5577 Are you a sitting duck for bird flu?

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