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Christine Gleeson

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Re: Christmas
12/8/2005 3:17:41 AM
Thank you Kathy, A lot of people do not know the true meaning of Christmas. Here in Australia, Christmas is doing battle with the politically correct people who not want Christmas Decorations, Santa Claus and Jesus to be in Christmas. Luckily we have many champions on Radio 2GB here in Sydney who are very PRO Christmas. 2GB has its own website. Go to and you can listen to the programs through Realplayer. I hope you get a chance to listen. Sincerely, Christine Gleeson Sydney, Australia (CurrencyLass - my new user name)
Thea Westra

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Re: Christmas
12/8/2005 7:33:08 AM
Quote from original posting - Thankfully, the man defending Christmas understands its true meaning. Here’s what he said on last night’s Factor: Every company in America should be on its knees thanking Jesus for being born. Without Christmas, most American businesses would be far less profitable. More than enough reason for business to be screaming “Merry Christmas.” I don't mean to put a cat among the pigeons. I hope that no one takes offence at my personal opinion. However, my belief is that religious celebrations ought to be observed by those who have and own the belief and not necessarily bind the rest of society to their 'festivities'. I see a lot of "Consumerismas" and do not understand why we do not give equal weight to all of the following days too: Or at very least, lessen the societal pressure to observe another's religious celebration ignoring individual beliefs. Who's to say whose belief is truth and whose is fiction? This is also an interesting read: Plus an article that I recently posted:!&id=101111
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Christmas
12/8/2005 10:00:59 AM
Hello Thea, Thank you for viewing your thoughts, First I want to ask you Do you celebrate Christmas? What were you Taught about it growing up?? Did you ever believe in Jesus? Would you not rather take a chance on going to heaven and believe that jesus died for your sins and except him as your savior? or do you really want to go to burn in the hot fires with the devil?I could not say that h word so I stated it this way. I will pray for you and your family that God will Soften your heart and let you relize there is only one way to our father.This is my personal belief so Please do not take offense,I will pray very hard for your soul and your families soul.We are to teach others and lead by example to share the lords word.Kathy Martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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