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Serious Email Alert Warning.
12/7/2005 1:58:22 PM
Hi everyone. Here is a warning of a very nasty email circulating on the Internet from Steven R, who is an Adlandpro member Hello Anthony, I just got this warning in an e-mail from a yahoo friend of mine that attends my church. I thought it might be worth putting in your forum. I will only put Body of message here for you, leaving out all the forwards. Message included a "zipped AVG " attachment . I f you wish, and you have an e-mail here at Adland let me know where to forward entire e-mail. For now, here's "body" of msg: FromSubject: IMPORTANT SECURITY ALERT Importance: High USE EXTREME CAUTION. (Do not just delete) READ BELOW THIS IS TRUE - It was CONFIRMED BY GOING TO SNOPES.COM Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment that you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it! This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe, but mainly in the US and Israel. Don't be inconsiderate; send this warning to whomever you know. If you get an email along the lines of "Osama bin Laden Captured" or "Osama Hanged" don't open the attachment. Confirmed at: MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "javascript:ol('http:" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "javascript:ol('http:" claiming to be http: // Origins: There are few headlines that would grab the attention of more computer users around the world than "Osama bin Laden Captured," and that's exactly what whoever created this lure was counting on to snare unsuspecting victims who use Microsoft platforms. "Osama bin Laden Captured" isn't a virus in itself; it's the text of a message that includes a link to a file called EXPLOIT.EXE. When a message recipient clicks on this link to view what he thinks are pictures of Osama bin Laden's capture, he can end up downloading an executable Trojan known as Backdoor-AZU, BKDR_LARSLP.A, Download.Trojan, TrojanProxy.Win32.Small.b,or Win32.Slarp. Clicking the embedded link in the "Osama bin Laden Captured" message auto-executes a file called "EXPLOIT.EXE," which exploits a known security hole to download the Trojan. According to McAfee Security: The Trojan opens a random port on the victim's machine. It sends the Port information to a webpage at IP address The Trojan listens on the open port for instructions and redirects traffic to other IP addresses. Spammers and hackers can take advantage of compromised systems by using the infected computer as a middleman, allowing them to pass information through it and remain anonymous I've "broken" the link just in case. Thanks for your help here. your friend, Steven. Everyone, pass on this information to everyone you know, immediately! Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Serious Email Alert Warning.
12/7/2005 2:06:58 PM
Hi Anthony Thanks for the WARNING Christine
Re: Serious Email Alert Warning.
12/7/2005 2:12:55 PM
Thanks for the warning Anthony. Kind Regards Nadine
Re: Serious Email Alert Warning.
12/7/2005 2:14:19 PM
Hello Anthony, Thank you for posting this. When I fiest read the e-mail last night, you were the only one I could think of that might be able to help. I've had some bad experiances before with these Exploit.exe and byte-verify's. In one case it litterally fried one hard drive, and the other one corrupted every file I had on another one. Was able to X-format that one with Dos, so now I have a back-up HD just in case. Thanks again for your help I am including a special line today in all my posts all day today. Please remember this day and all the families that lost loved ones on Dec.7,1941 Please take a moment out of your day to say a short prayer. Thanks again your friend, Steven
Steven G. Reid Wallaby Traffic CMU7 WTC W
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Re: Serious Email Alert Warning.
12/7/2005 2:19:34 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank you for the warning, this sounds like something that would attract a lot of attention and get people to open. Your Friend Deborah
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