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William Oestreich

76 Posts
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Re: Good Mourning To you Craftie
12/3/2005 8:59:21 AM I`m just sending this off to many it is not an autoresponder system so it will not come ervy 3 hours every day.We feel this will help so-so many people who have struggled to earn something on the net.Please review it completly and try to make a call if you can.
William Oestreich
Re: Internet Geek
12/3/2005 9:47:35 AM
Hi I''m new to this community. With your permission, I would like to share my thought with you. Go for surgery only as an absolutely last resort, only after you have tried all known workable options. May I reccomend to you a book, "What your doctor does not know about nutritioonal medicine, may kill you" by Dr. Ray D, Strand. He now lives in south Dakota, USA. I strongly urge you to read this book and seek second and third opinions regarding your condtion.We Chinese always beleive that surgery is no solution to health problems and should only be done as the last resort. Also a doctor friend of mine, from Malaysia, has recommended the use of "colloidal silver;" to his patients, suffering from tumours and this has helped them to reduce their tumours and improved their conditions. I hope that you will seek more professional advice before going for surgery. God bless you and your family Edwin Tan
Re: Internet Geek
12/3/2005 10:36:24 AM
Let me see the Major IT food groups are: Pizza, Bubble gum and I can't remember the rest of the list it is on the back of my Microsoft T-shirt I got free for going to an ASP.NET training ang I don't know where it is at the moment. So I could really appreciate this post.
Re: Internet Geek
12/3/2005 4:57:52 PM
I like pizza once and a while. That can't stop you to visit us on the holdays
I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)
Re: Internet Geek
12/4/2005 1:35:51 PM
Thanks Linda a good one! I love pizza! But don't quite fit into the rest of the catagory! Very funny! As Always, God Bless! Sincerly, Susan

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