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A Boomerang World
12/2/2005 7:56:44 PM
A Boomerang World By: Tim Wright PhD. As I was sitting outside this morning sipping my coffee and watching the sun climb over the horizon, I looked down and saw a curved stick on the ground that reminded me of a boomerang. Suddenly I was caught up in memories of me as a kid playing for hours on end in my grandfather's backyard with a small wooden boomerang he had given to me as a gift. Remember when you were a kid, how fascinated you were with boomerangs? (At least I was!) You take this flat, curved piece of wood and throw it and then watch in amazement as it curves around in the air and comes right back to you. As "miraculous" as that seemed when we were kids, I've found that most of our life is like that. Whatever we "throw" out there, comes back to us. We live in a "boomerang" world. Let me explain: If you smile at someone, in almost every case, they will smile back. Try it now with someone nearby and see if it works. If you're kind toward someone, they will usually be kind in return. Of course, this also works in the other direction. If you complain to someone, they will "share" their complaints with you. (In fact, you may quickly find yourself in a subtle competition to see who is more miserable.) If you get angry at someone, they will usually get angry with you. And so on. The fact is, whatever you decide to "throw" out into the world will usually circle around and land right back at your feet. (Much like the boomerangs we played with as kids.) Here's what struck me this morning . I have a CHOICE about what I decide to "throw" out into my world. I have a CHOICE about what I WANT to land at my feet? If you want more JOY ... Throw it out there. If you want more HAPPINESS . Throw some happiness out there to someone else and watch it "miraculously" come back to you. It even works with money. Need money? Give some away. (Spiritual leaders from the beginning of time have been telling us this, but most of us are afraid to believe it.) It works in just about every area of our life. When we give something away. When we "throw" it out there. It comes back to us. But here's the good news. . (And this is really the "miraculous" part.) . We actually get MORE back than what we throw out there. Plant a seed and you don't just get one seed back. You get HUNDREDS (maybe even THOUSANDS!) So today (and for as many days afterwards as you want), make a conscious CHOICE about what you want to "throw" out into the world. By doing this, you will be making a choice about what is going to come back and land at your feet. Remember the boomerang. Whatever you "throw" out there WILL come back to you (many times over). -------------------------------------------- This makes alot of sense doesn't it?! Why not throw out some happiness today, or how about just a smile? Do you know how much difference you can make in someone's day with just a smile? Sometimes a smile can turn a person's bad day into a good one. And remember, it takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown!! Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: A Boomerang World
12/2/2005 11:12:09 PM
How very true, have known that for years my dad taught us kids that when we were little! Good advice never gets outdated and can never be repeated enough!Thank you, Marilyn! As Always, God Bless! Sincerly, Susan
Re: A Boomerang World
12/2/2005 11:22:45 PM
Great Post my friend. Some very powerful truths here. Seed Time and harvest. I think one old preacher said it like this. With what some of you been seeding out of you moughts you need to be praying for a crop failure. God Bless Johnny
Re: A Boomerang World
12/2/2005 11:23:47 PM
Great Post my friend. Some very powerful truths here. Seed Time and harvest. I think one old preacher said it like this. With what some of you been seeding out of you mouths you need to be praying for a crop failure. God Bless Johnny
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Re: A Boomerang World
12/3/2005 1:04:03 AM
Marilyn Thanks for the invite for your boomerang story Linda

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