Even though you are our "Leader", I love your quotes, greatly appreciate all your hard work and I think you are a super guy, I disagree.
1. Yes, most IQ tests are designed by humans FOR humans.
(Some are devised for animals)
What other "aspects" should be covered and for whom?
Whose other IQ should it measure?
2. While some people with millions of dollars may not spend their money wisely they are STILL Millionaires.
A Genus IS a person who has a tested IQ above a certain level.
It makes no difference how effectively they use it.
I insert this note for information purposes:
Dr. Charles Hern of Santa Monica, Ca. (maybe with others) has developed ways to test for how effectively people use the IQ they possess. He calls it their "Ability
Quotient" (or A.Q.)
Next, a persons true success is NOT measured by others. It is measured by the person themselves. They know what they need to do, or be, to consider themselves successful.
Thus, your friend, the hotel clerk, may consider himself successful because he is doing what he wants to do.
In fact, to me, you contradict yourself.
First, you say he is a failure. And then you say a genius is a person who leads a happy, balanced and successful life.
Are you saying people can NOT lead a happy, balanced lives and consider themselves successful because they do not meet the standards OTHERS have chosen FOR them?
Maybe all they wanted out of life was enough money to live on and spend time reading and/or whatever.
After all, a person's real success is NOT a decision which is yours, or mine to decide for them. It is their's to make on if they think they are successful or not.