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Re: 21st Birthday
12/2/2005 3:19:08 PM
Hello! Linda nd all friends, Linda,Thanks for this story,very nice.Reminds me of some other I head long time ago. This is also about "walking on the water". Some place in Poland:where the lakes are.Two farm boys want to recreate fascinating "walking on the water"event done by someone last weekend they heard about in community club.They sat on beach till sunset, waiting forthe moment of courage. You go first. Says the younger to older, I do not swim, he explainshis "waitingame". Then, The older getup and goes, butnot on top of the water. He is walking on bottom of lake,It gets deeper and deeper. The younger boy gets nervousthat the other one willdrown. He thinks that he should go for help.Fortunatelly,someone is on the beach. He runs to that person and see that it is the same manthat was walking on the wather the other day. The boy is so disturbedthat man getsup and yels to the other one:"Try to find the old dock posts and climb on it remember, it is quite few of them!"
Re: 21st Birthday
12/2/2005 3:23:22 PM
Hhey!Iam back,Ania again, Sorry everybody, but I forgot to put my name at the bottom of my last post.But you knew whose post that was,anyway,right? Now I will do it rightaway! Have you all wonderful weekend! Ania
Kathy Clouse

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Re: 21st Birthday
12/2/2005 3:37:27 PM
Thanks, I really needed that today!
Kathy Clouse Putting People Before Profit
Re: 21st Birthday
12/2/2005 4:24:00 PM
Hi Linda, Thats another good one, I have been sharing your jokes with other people here in Bakersfield, CA. Carolyn
Carolyn Mary Sproul
Marilyn L Martin

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Re: 21st Birthday
12/2/2005 7:43:04 PM
HI Linda, LOL! That was a good one! Thanks for sharing! Marilyn
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