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Re: Finding Happiness!
12/1/2005 9:22:38 AM
Cudoes! Great stuff here if people will let it soak in. There once was a man call of God to preach! there was a samal problem the man worked at the city sweare plant on the late shift. If fact he is the bottom man on the crew. So he go all the ready dirty jobs. One night during a storm the plant had lost power and it was raining and really bad out side. But the plant had to be brought back on line. If it was not the waste would back up in homes all over the city. With his arm sholder deep in 'DUNG' while trying to un-stop a downed pump, the man began to complain to God!. God I don't understand, I know you call me to preach to the nations. Here I am in the worse job in town, soaking wet, covered with Dung and mirisable. When are you going to deleiver me from this place and let me go preach? God spoke! That depends on you. What do you mean God? the man asks! You see I have call you to preach, but you have not learned to be a doer of my work yet. That is why I lead you to this job. Now the man is getting mad just thinking about how God had lead him to the worse job he had ever had to do. God I don't understand? the man said. I have witnessed to the people here, I bought Bibles and give them. I prayed for them and with them day and night. But you are tell me that I have not learned to do your word. God answered that is right and I will tell you something else you will stay on this job untill you learn to become a doer of my word. Ok God really had this man to where he was willing to listen now. He said God if you will show me or tell me what I must do I promise I will do it so I can go out and preach. God said it is simple. You say you hate this job, you misirable so your not a doer of my word. I told you to do all things as unto the Lord.If you don't get joy from doing this job as unto me then you want get joy from the ministry. You see Son, joy is a choice. So you can chose to have joy here or stay miserable doing it. It is you choice! But until you learn to do it with joy you will not beable to be the minister I called you to be. After repenting and a few month to learn to walking joy in all he was ask to do. God did open the doors to ministry. Joy is a choice! This is a true story. Because I was that guy in the sweare plant that night. I am offen reminded of this lesson when I began to let things steal my joy. I hope it helps someone today, to know you can do all things with joy! God Bless, Johnny
Re: Finding Happiness!
12/1/2005 10:08:17 AM
What a great piece! Thanks for the inspiring words! As Always, God Bless! SIncerly, Susan
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Re: Finding Happiness!
12/1/2005 5:55:41 PM
HI Gaylia, There you go! That sounds like a great idea to me! Thanks and God Bless! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Finding Happiness!
12/1/2005 6:01:12 PM
Brother Johnny, What a great story! And you are so right. Thanks for sharing this with all of us and reminding us that we should do everything with joy in our heart! God Bless You! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Finding Happiness!
12/1/2005 6:03:59 PM
HI Susan, Thanks for stopping by and I am glad you enjoyed reading it! Thanks and God Bless! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
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