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Kathy Hamilton

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Daily Devotions Nov.30, 2005
11/29/2005 11:25:26 PM
Hello my friends, Here is todays lesson. November 30, 2005 Greater Grace Read: Romans 3:21-30 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. —Romans 3:23-24 One morning, when our granddaughter Julia was quite young, she and her Nana were reading the Bible together. They came to the familiar verse, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Julia suddenly jumped up off the sofa and ran to get my father's weathered, marked-up King James Bible that I keep on a shelf in my office and that I had showed her that very morning. "It's very old," I told her solemnly. She took the ancient Bible in her hand and ran back to Nana, excitedly found Romans 3:23, and read to her, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." "Yep," she said triumphantly, "Says the same thing in this one too!" Sin has been with us from of old and will be with us as long as we live on this earth. But there is something older than sin—something that outlasts it. According to the hymnwriter Julia Johnston, it is the "marvelous grace of our loving Lord, grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt!" The hymn concludes, "Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within; grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin!" (© Renewal 1938, Hope Publishing Co.) Have you received His grace? —David Roper How To Receive God's Grace Admit you are a sinner (Romans 3:23). Believe on Jesus (Romans 10:9-13). Confess Jesus to others (Matthew 10:32). Grace is infinite love expressing itself in infinite goodness.
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Ron Stouder

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Re: Daily Devotions Nov.30, 2005
11/30/2005 12:34:42 AM
something everyone should read and know, and take to heart. ron s.
Ron Stouder
Re: Daily Devotions Nov.30, 2005
11/30/2005 5:11:41 AM
Hi Kathy, There are always something for us to learn from the word, it is also about application of the content that makes one full. here for your success, Greg Hastings International Marketing Director 623.298.7938
For every Adversity there is A Seed of Greater Benefit
Re: Daily Devotions Nov.30, 2005
11/30/2005 7:57:14 AM
Yes, Kathy Happily I have received His Grace. You are a breath of fresh air here on Adland, keeping us ever mindful of what's truly important and the invincible ally we all have available to us, if only we would acknowledge and embrace Him. May God Bless you richly, Robin
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Lisa Westberry

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Re: Daily Devotions Nov.30, 2005
11/30/2005 11:52:25 AM
Very Beautiful!! God Bless prayers. Your Friend,