Hi Kathy,
Thanks for a very good article! And thanks to Linda Locke for writing it.
This is very valuable information - definitely not just for women, but for anyone who really wants to be successful in Network Marketing.
Most men can learn a lot from the way women tend naturally to do business. For some reason men tend to always want to get something in a hurry without doing what's necessary first.
We men need to "take time to smell the roses." Life is not a race, and Network Marketing or MLM isn't either. It is interesting that in a race, everything on either side of straight ahead is just a blur - virtually impossible to see, and definitely impossible to enjoy.
Building relationships, the core or networking, is fun and very rewarding well before anything to do with money comes into play.
I particularly like the idea of the FORM method! Note that the M comes last! :)
God bless,