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Re: New Scam message circulating in adlandpro messenger.
11/25/2005 8:42:45 PM
Russel, It is not a good idea to answer them. I did once out of interest to see how far they would take the scam. When I told them I was not interested, they became very abusive & threated to have me 'sorted out' I am still waiting for them to come & try. For the sake of your own peace of mind, it's best not to have anything to do with them. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: New Scam message circulating in adlandpro messenger.
11/25/2005 8:45:11 PM
Hi Carla, Pam say's Hi to you & Doc too! Yes, we are used to getting lots of them in our normal Internet emaill box, but to have them sending them to our Adlandpro personal email as well, is getting a bit to much. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: New Scam message circulating in adlandpro messenger.
11/25/2005 8:49:32 PM
Hi Eva, Yes, we get 4-5 of those a day in various of our Internet email box's. They are all a variation on the same theme. It could be a bank manager, a lawyer, a govt minister. They all want our assistance to move massive amounts of money to 'our bank accounts' to move on elsewhere & we can keep a percentage for out 'trouble's'. They are some of the biggest scams on the Internet, but people, greedy people still get caught daily by them & end up losing a lot of money for their greed. Sad but true. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: New Scam message circulating in adlandpro messenger.
11/25/2005 8:51:06 PM
Steve, Nicely posted reply to Eva, but my name is Anthony, not Aaron. Otherwise, thanks for posting the link once again. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: New Scam message circulating in adlandpro messenger.
11/25/2005 8:54:08 PM
G'Day Bryan, I guess you must be in the 'North' then, if your waiting for the 'Wet' to start..... Yes, a lot of members did receive this email in their personal email box's here at Adlandpro. After a few sent them on to me, I thought it would be easier if you all knew, & could delete them, or send them to admin. Your security friend in Las Vegas.

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