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Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
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Re: Opportunity is missed by most people because...
11/26/2005 4:16:52 PM
The real problem is that people think "work" means "unpleasant" or "hard". What's wrong with work? My father had a stroke at the age of 66 and spent the next twelve years of his life wishing he could work. My grandfather chose to work until he was 85...not because he needed to, but because he enjoyed it. Work is only hard or unpleasant if you hate what you do when you work. As many have said here before, if you enjoy it, if you are passionate about it, it isn't unpleasant or hard. That doesn't mean it isn't work. I love what I do, but it isn't what I would choose to do if you asked me how I spend my leisure time. Well, my husband would disagree with the last statement, so I'd better quit while I'm ahead. Cheri

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