Kathy,I really admire all your actions within community, seems that YOU know stuff anybody else know.Certainly, I will pray for Johns wife and him too. I am the one that went through all that stuff, soI should be knowing what she is going through, and John...The "waiting game" isthe worst.That's my husbands words.We(he and I)ve been waiting for catscan results too. Fortunatelly I was able to have MRIdone righawayafterct-scan. and that test cleared all mixed opinions about my condition-what might be cousing it.
John,I wish you lots of strength and bravery.It is a battle.Try to work on extra patience too.To Kay,we never met or exchange an email, but somehow I feel like I'd know you. Take care!and stay positive.Don't let "poisonus"thoughts take
over your mind.Believe me Anything is possible.You will be OK.soon.Good luck!
AniaGod bless you both!
...You both are add to my prayers, and thoughts, daily, as I am praying for every illor unhappy person in the World.