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Re: Urgent email scam warning from 12 Dailypro.
11/24/2005 1:17:55 AM
Janise, This message is thanks to Arild, I'm just passing on to you all, what he passed on to me. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving too. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Urgent email scam warning from 12 Dailypro.
11/24/2005 1:20:59 AM
Steven, Glad to see that Lisa (Lee Lu) is informing her downline to save them from any attacks. Be sure that your upline's will try their best to keep you all aware of anything like this. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Urgent email scam warning from 12 Dailypro.
11/24/2005 1:22:39 AM
Hi Beverly. If there is one person I would be sure of taking care of things pronto. It is you dear lady. Take care & Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Urgent email scam warning from 12 Dailypro.
11/24/2005 1:24:00 AM
Hi Eileen, As the saying goes, there is no rest for the wicked. I guess that means there is no rest for the Security Guy either..... Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Urgent email scam warning from 12 Dailypro.
11/24/2005 1:25:41 AM
Hi Luella may. Yes, Arild was on the ball informing me as quickly as he did. We then both got the message out to all of you. Hopefully we got to everyone before the scammers did. Your security friend in Las Vegas.