Hello All,
First I would like to thank the following peple for all the help and support they have given me in the last 24 hours:
Myra, Carla, Larry, Kay, Peggy, Holly, Georgious, Bryan, Mark, Johne, and Linda.
Your comments and wishes were very comforting and uplifting just when I most needed them. If this isn't the perfect example of what friendship is about, I don't know what could be better.
Now, (for whoever was responsible for sicing Dr. King on me last night), my deepest thanks. He called me from North Carolina last night and spent about 5 hours just talking to me and encouraging me when I was about ready to totally give up.
What does this tell all of you about the character of this man? It's one thing to talk with each other in board / General Meetings and have to extend sessions because of dissagreements amongst the members, but to talk one on one with someone that genuinely cares about you, that doesn't want you to quit or give up, well that is the mark of a true friend.
I've been told that I'm "not allowed" to resign, and if I continue along this course, I wil be "strung up by the toes in the middle of Times Square waiting on the dogs to be released.
Here again the caring and humor expressed by a friend is once again shown. With all these friends showing me just how much they do care, how can I not re-consider my decision?
I hope and pray you will all acept this re-traction of my earlier resignation.
Your friend,