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Kay Reeve

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Person Of The Week
Re: POTW and WOSAT members
2/23/2006 3:00:49 AM
Thankyou Dr King for letting us know about Ashley. Thankyou Cheryl for the link. I am on my way...
Re: POTW and WOSAT members
2/24/2006 12:21:05 AM
OH ME OH MY LOL..WHOS GOT ME ON AUTOPILOT? THIS IS AMAZING, WHAT WHEN WHO WHERE HOW???? OH I FORGOT TO SAY WHY?....LOL AND YOU KNOW WHAT WHO CARES! "THANKYOU" SO MUCH, THIS PROVES IT, "WINGS OF SUCCESS" WE STAND UNITED, ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE! HE HE HE, NO ONE CAN SAY OTHERWISE, COS, I AM LIVING PROOF!! BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO CARE! "Thankyou" so much my Dear friends, you are all so special, I am so Proud to know each of you! My sincere Love and affection! Ashley [Kookuroo] xoxoxo PS Its not over thow, until the fat Lady Sings! Kookurooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Re: POTW and WOSAT members
2/24/2006 1:23:31 AM
Hi Ashley & All WOSAT Members, Judging by the current votes, I figure it's not too early to say that Ashley will be the 33rd POTW. I will even go so far as to congratulate you Ashley for being voted in as the 33rd POTW. The rest don't stand a chance. Metaphorically speaking...they don't have a prayer. Whereas for you have more than have WOSAT behind you. There's a moral we can learn from this!!! Hence, like I said Ashley...I'd eat my hat if you don't make it!!! Like Kay have designed're on the "wings of a dove". Right...Kay??!!! Lol!!! A hearty welcome to all new Members of WOSAT. To those who are already my friend at Adlandpro, sorry I haven't got around yet to send out the invitations. Must admit some of our associates are "faster at the draw". Being no Gary Cooper in "The Fastest Gun Alive"...reckon I've gotta learn to "shoot from the hips". Lol!!! Warmest regards & God bless!!! Yours truly, JOHNE LYE.
Donna Lira

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Re: POTW and WOSAT members
2/24/2006 8:29:08 AM
Hi Everyone, I want to extend a warm welcome to all the newcomers to WOSAT. I hope I haven't missed any of you when I sent out my warm invites to be friends. Ashley my good matey, you are a Shoe-In, so sit back and relax sweetie. I think the Fat Lady has left the building! Ha Ha! Luv ya matey Donna Wosat 58 Team #4
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: POTW and WOSAT members
2/24/2006 9:07:54 AM
Hello my dearest Ashley, and all WOSATs I could not go against one of mine nominees. And for ASHLEY a + was given from me. Champange flashes here and there, Go ASHLEY GO, the sarpetines and carneval masces here and there. Pancake day was yesterday in Greece. We now go forward to Carneval day. The traditional Dionyciac carneval with men dressed in goat skin, with big - big bells hanginf on their body they are dancing every where. This was also a good week for WOSAT. WOSATs in succesive expand. WOSATS winners of POTW. Last POT Weeks are WOSAT weeks. And there will be more. GENESIS always in touch Georgios Paraskevopoulos
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