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2/10/2006 3:27:06 PM
Hello Diana, Yes, HSBC is a very good option right now. They have been in Business for over 100 years. Which makes this a very solid Bank with a good track record. But they are still looking over all the other options presented as well. As far as pay pal goes. I use it and think it's a great company to use. But from a Business standpoint, where your dealing with hundreds of people. Who would be expecting a paycheck at a certain time and if they don't get it they can't eat or pay their bills or even might lose their house or something. I don't think we could use a company that has any question as to their reliability. The Banks are reliable, but we are having a hard time finding the best payment method that would work for every country and be reliable at the same time. This will take some time, Mark Kross
2/10/2006 4:02:33 PM
Hi Jo, I would have to agree with you. GET ACTIVE! I started a new thread requesting new idea's. So far the only one's who have posted anything is Me and Kay. The idea is that idea's lead to new idea's. If that makes any since. Lol All idea's create thought. In the beginning idea's are neither good nor bad. They are things to be considered and improved upon. They provoke thought patterns which give you a direction to focus your energy. Don't ever go in there and tell someone how stupid their idea is. Give them a way to improve their idea. It won't work because?? I've seen that before but it was done this way? There are to many on the market already what if we changed it to include?? What if we made it more specific?? What if?? That's how a team works together and creates new things. You can always find something useful in every idea. It's just a matter of refining it, changing it, adding something or combining it together with someone elses. You can't start a fire without a spark!! So lets get the fires started. post something in the idea's thread plz. Mark Kross
Diana Briere

243 Posts
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2/10/2006 4:32:41 PM
Hi Mark. Sorry for being dense but where is the idea thread? what are the ideas we are looking for? Re advertising,or is for new items to promote, or ways to to get us all communicating on the same level or forums?is setting certain team members on different avenue of information? I seem to be uninformed or can't find the correct forums to be looking for. I think all the teams need a place to communicate together and certain jobs need to have the team members all together on the same page. Eg. If there is a heading of logistics in all teams then those asigned that job should communicate together from each team to take ideas back to their (bosses) for input. I hope I'm making sence here but no one seems to be taking the initiative in any one team unless i'm uninformed or something. From Diana
2/10/2006 4:38:52 PM
URGENT Saturday Reminder To All Board,Team Leaders and Members Good Evening To All OFFICIAL NOTICE TO ALL BOARD & GROUP LEADERS and Members of WOSAT PLEASE READ THERE IS SOME CRITICAL INFORMATION CONTAINED BELOW: This is a reminder that the Board and Group Leaders will meet Saturday at 3:30 EST in the conference room. All Members are invited to attend. We shall also hear and conduct any official business of the WOSAT Team. All members are welcome to attend and observe the meeting. I also want to remind everyone that if you have comment or questions that you should always get them to your Group Leader and or Board Member by Wednesday Evenings so that they may allow for them to be placed on the agenda. I am including the direct software link below so that you may download the software to your machine if you have not been able to do so yet. Here Is the Link We need to make sure we have all the resource list to the Board and Team leader before the meeting it is most unrgent this be completed. We also need to be thinking about and talking to the team of the director nominations to the 4 divisions this needs to be completed this meeting. All Members Are Welcome To Attend Please feel free to come and be with us as we seek to be our best. I hope everyone has had an exciting week see you tomorrow. With Warmest Regards Dedicated I Remain Dr King
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King
2/10/2006 5:22:09 PM
Sorry Diana, I posted it in the private forums. Mark Kross

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