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Holly Goodyer

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2/3/2006 3:24:11 AM
In answer to Larry's post, I have had some disturbing news from PTR and Extreme Surf regarding this Storm Pay problem.They are still working on it and are waiting on answers. I would not panic as I am sure that this will be resolved. Big sites like Stormy Surf and 12 Daily Pro recently changed their payment system to Storm pay. These are very big co's and would not go in this direction without due diligence. What I am asking is that we all reserve judgement till the finance committee has had a chance to really investigate this issue There will be more news tomorrow regarding this as we will have had time then to really get to the nitty gritty of what is happening. Whatever happens you must be rest assured that our finance committee will bring you the best and only the best of payment structures to pay you. We will not settle for anything that is not the absolute best. We have done a lot of research into this and if Storm pay is not an option anymore, then we will find the perfect solution to ensure that we are all taken care of. WOSAT is our first concern, and we will be moving forward, we are gaining momentum and we will be together all 160 of us in the best and most thought out internet opportunity that has ever been seen. You will be notified, of our findings in the shortest time possible, and rest assured that no table will be unturned to bring us what we deserve. EXPECT SUCCESS Holly Goodyer
Kay Reeve

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2/3/2006 4:24:13 AM
Thankyou Holly, That is excellently put. Thankyou to you and Larry for being so alert and getting in touch with me at the first opportunity. I will be making enquiries into this too, and I will also make further enquries through HSBC bank with regards to a more secure option of payment. We are dissappointed that this has happened after all our hours of research, but I am also thankful that it has happended before we have taken action on our decisions. It is blessing in disguise. Only the best for WOSAT!
2/3/2006 4:39:09 AM
From reading in the forums over the past couple of days it could be weeks or even months before the StormPay issue is resolved, and then only after they are sued A number of the autosurf companies are getting together to look at this I understand that StormPays terms and conditions state that legal action can only be taken against them by people living in Tennesee. Anyone else seen this? They are freezing members accounts left right and centre I don't think PayPal is much better because they are paranoid about money laundering, and have frozen accounts of big name net gurus because too much money was being paid in too quickly (in their estimation!!) I would suggest that we look for a merchant account with a major bank in order to accept payments by credit card I don't know how long this will take to get set up and approved because banks want more identification from businesses these days - also because of potential money laundering I would think that a merchant account would be far safer than using ANY payment processor such as StormPay or PayPal
2/3/2006 4:56:19 AM
The serious companies give a choice with a method of payment. For example, the American company EN101 has record-breaking fast growth and offers such variants: Wallet Check E-Gold Bank Wire Money Gram Western Union Debit Card
2/3/2006 5:27:13 AM
Hello WOSAT36 and Wizards, I completely agree with you. Experience tells me that all e-pay methods are exhibited. It is a simple game for genius hackers from Russia, Rumania and China, etc. It happend several times and it will happen again. Today for example there is a sort of an agoraphobia to market you cach in e-Gold. I believe a multipel form of payment chosie will be the best way for WOSAT. I have PayPal, e-Gold, StormPay, Debit/Credit card, banwire. Warm Regards WOSAT30