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Re: A Post for Thought and Uplifting
1/26/2006 11:51:11 PM
Hi Lawton, It all depends on the individual whether moving is fun. As these days we can even get Movers to pack our "nitty gritties" into boxes and do the moving while we sit back and watch. However, what I do know for certain is....Job security is an oxymoron. Yet, think of all those who reject Network Marketing out of misinformation and preconcieved notions. My sympathies to those know-it-alls!!! Yes!!! Much too many people in the Rat Race are rather busy earning a living to make any money. One can't get rich in a 9-5 employment or even in a conventional small business with threats of cyclical economic downturns. Furthermore, should inflation be hyperthetically as low as 3% per annum, if a person now earns $60,000 per year, he/she would be unable to enjoy the same standard of living in 30 years from today, unless he/she [either still working or retired] generates proportionately $150,000 per annum. Even if he/she does, realize that he/she will, in actuality, need even much more since he/she would have more needs then than now, as more of what are presently considered luxuries or things one can do without, become if not basic needs, more or less needed convenience like the cell-phone as one example. So, good luck to those self-proclaimed know-it-alls who reject Network Marketing or On-line Ventures. As John D. Rockefeller once said: If you want success you should strike out on new paths rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success. Yours truly, JOHNE LYE. ___________________________________________ ________________________________ Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve!!!
Re: A Post for Thought and Uplifting
1/27/2006 1:17:05 AM
Well Mark It is always good to find the Pot at the end of the rainbow tell us all was there gold in them thar' hills or not since you found the EOTI. Of course if you didn't perhaps you should have Scotty look at your warp drives or perhaps teleport back to the necessary time and help all of us to see through your eyes the future. Warmest Regards Dr King
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King
1/27/2006 1:19:25 AM
Congratulations Steven you have worked hard all along and we are glad to have you. Thanks for your trust and courage to be a leader in all that we do. Warmest Regards Dr King
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King
Lydia Fokina

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Re: A Post for Thought and Uplifting
1/27/2006 3:15:08 AM
Hello, WOSAT members! Let us change opinion payment systems about. Kay offeres StormPay have been offered. I don't use StormPay, maybe, it is optimal, I don't know. Anatoly and I offer E-gold. My experience confirmed, - e-gold is universal payment system now. Q. What is E-Gold? A. E-gold - the international payment system created by the company e-Gold Ltd, Nevis corporation (one of sponsors E-Gold is international bank JP-Morgan). Q. What E-Gold differs from other payment systems and in what its feature? A. The main feature e-gold and its difference from other payment systems is that all accounts of clients on 100 % are provided with physical gold (and other metals: platinum, a palladium, silver), taking place in Gold*Silver Reserve. Q. Whether inhabitants of the CIS can use payment system E-Gold? A. If shortly, yes. E-gold does not divide the clients on the country of residing! :) :) :) Unique lack consists in impossibility directly for roubles to get e-gold, but this problem is solved in other ways, about them hardly later. Q. How open the account in e-gold? A. Opening the account in E-Gold - free-of-charge, also are absent not-reducing rest and an initial payment. Q. What advantages are given with storage of money resources of clients in gold? A. The system e-gold 100 % is liquid, you can exchange at any moment your е-gold for any world(global) currency or receive directly an ingot All actives taking place in e-gold do not get under proceeding as opening the account in e-gold and I deposit there your money resources, you only check your gold. As rates of precious metals under the attitude(relation) in currencies constantly vary, there is an opportunity to play on a difference in rates. Q. What tariffs in E-Gold? A. The tariff for input and output is entirely defined(determined) by way of input and output of your money resources, and also tariffs of exchange office. 1 % from the sum of year, for storage While translating metal 1 % is raised from the account on the account from the client in metal from translated quantity(amount), but it is no more equivalent of 50 American cents. Q. How to be registered in E-Gold? A. Very simply. :) to register - click here... Q. What can I do(make) with help E-gold? A. To receive money from your sponsors. To invest your money in various highly remunerative projects. To invest in pyramids and to lose them there. ;) To take part in on-line auctions and sales, like e-bay supports E-Gold. To pay the goods in Internets - shops, or to pay for various sorts of service, registration domen's names, payment of a hosting and so on. To accept for payment e-gold on your site with the help simple form. To invest yours e-gold in various stock exchanges. To pass yours e-gold from one person to another, not having thus of problems with the legislation. Q. I was registered, how to me to work with E-Gold? A. The brief review of functions accessible to users of system E-Gold: Balance - the information on the current balance of your account InExchange - an exchange of money for metal, i.e. updating of your account OutExchange-An exchange of metal for money, i.e. removal from your account Redeem - withdrawal of physical metal Spend - translation of metal from the account on account Metal-to-Metal - an exchange of one metal for another Account Info - your personal information History - a history of transactions (transactions) As well as with the help of that I can fill up the account in E-gold Conditionally, there are two ways: Direct transfer of money resources on the account in E-Gold, only to bank translations, starting(beginning) from 1000 $. Through intermediaries, any way: Western Union, the credit card, the check, bank translation into the sums is less 1000 $, and so on. Lidia My E-gold: 2519771
Re: A Post for Thought and Uplifting
1/27/2006 5:31:32 AM
Yes-....and e-gold is also being FBI investigated. Blanka

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