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Power Plays and Corp life (on a lighter note)
1/23/2006 9:43:46 AM
I work in Corp America (I am the one you step on as you put your foot on the bottom rung of the ladder to success :) ) and to be honest I was a little worried that this adventure would be nothing like the Corp America that I have grown to love. Wow was I wrong, Office politics, back biteing, back stabbing, power plays and a grab for power along with the true sign of Corp Life, Acting like a bunch of cry babies. lol BOO Woo I did not get to be VP of Gum Balls so I am writting a long and dramatic letter telling everyone just how hard I have worked oh and I wish you all well (oh another thing I will be bad mouthing your butts for the next 10 years) Or Boo Woo my Guy did not get to be VP of Gum Balls and since I have no one else to complain about the others with I will write a long, drawn out letter telling everyone just how sad I am to leave but I have too(cause no one else wants to hear me B_tch all the time like Mr.Gum Ball wantabee) Ok I know you all are being serious and I understand. In every Business, large and small people leave, some leave in a professional manner (find the job on company time, call in sick for two weeks while you see if you like the new job and then quit :) ) while others lean toward the soap opera style, you know, the long drawn out death scenes that take three weeks and you have to wait for the end on the following Monday. lol On a far less funny side. I hearby let team 8 & 9 know that I am forced to stay coz all the rif raf are leaving and I don't want to be tainted by walking out the door at the same time :) Ok I am not thinking of leaving but I do have some Ideals that I will give to Mark Kross, the guy who got me in on this adventure (thanks Mark you *&%*&$*#@#) :) to present at the next board meeting. Mark I suggest you get to that meeting at least 5 min early so you are not in that Twilight Zone you were in on Sat. (inside joke guys) Ok I have used enough of our time, PS DR. King is that VP of Gum Ball job stil open? It would look good on my resume. :)
Re: Power Plays and Corp life (on a lighter note)
1/23/2006 10:42:13 AM
Nice post Steve, I found it very amusing. And your right I better get the the meeting at least 5 min early. Never thought about that option. Mark Kross
Re: Power Plays and Corp life (on a lighter note)
1/23/2006 6:25:17 PM
To All Wosat Members, It has been 2 days since I resigned from this project. I am not going to give my reasons again as you all seem to think you know better than I do what they are. I am not going to answer all of the ignorant accusations and mud slinging that has been sent our way since Sunday. I am however, slightly amused at the fact that so many people, who should be busy taking care of their own business have found the time to speculate about mine. I am saddened by the realization that so many whom I considered to be professional and serious minded business people have shown such immaturity and unprofessional behavior. It is my sincere hope that now that you have pointed fingers and shifted responsibility from person to person as you saw fit that the whole of WOSAT will find the ability to bounce back and put this unfortunate situation behind you, in order to make the adventure a success as there are so many innocent souls depending on the leadership they have been presented with, to be their answer. As always I remain Hopeful, Jackie Funt
Jackie Funt
Angela Cardwell

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Re: Power Plays and Corp life (on a lighter note)
1/23/2006 8:35:48 PM
First of all, I would like to wish all Wosat members the best of luck. I hope things will come together soon here for all of you and you will enjoy prosperity. You are all very good people. Dr. David. I am sure I will see a blatantly rude post from you as is your habit. So, I may as well get it all out. You, then, can say your piece and once again show your many followers how impetuous you are or are becoming. First of all, I lost my trust in you when I saw and heard you publicly ridicule Robert. He had concerns that needed to be addressed. And you could not do that for him and his team...So, you conceded to "pick him apart" in public and rudely and sarcastically demean him. I don't care what you say....It was totally wrong. there is no justification. Regardless of the fact that you did later apologize...It should have never taken place! Adam and Jackie resign...for their own reasons...It shouldn't matter what they are. But, of course, you have to "call them out". they were not calling you out as you say...they simply resigned, politely and with respect...But you could not let it go at that...YOU had to call them out. and all members so that you would have a chance to ridicule them in public and demean their truth and reason. If this had not taken place all of the remaining team would probably still be with Wosat. But, NO, you could not handle it in a friendly professional manner. You had to "tear someone apart" to make sure you still look good! You brought up vmdirect and Adam trying to "pull us away" from Wosat. Nonsense! I ask all many of you are working on other programs/businesses along with Wosat? Probably 90+%! OK, so, you also still say Wosat is in it's infancy. Fine, we were well aware of that. We were still waiting. Still working through every task that we were given...for Wosat! Adam was merely giving us the option to get started with something that would make us a little money WHILE we were WAITING for wosat to become a reality!!!!! Nothing more! In regard to Dr. Bob Matthews post: Pg 83: Jackie nor Adam in any way came to Wosat in hope that vmdirect would be the chosen program to promote. Or to benefit them in vm. First of all, when joining wosat we "did not know" a program would be chosen. We didn't know What was going to be the focus. Reread your initial invitation. All were notified to choose a program AFTER teams were set. Of Course Jackie and Adam would bring forward the nomination of vm direct as a possible program to promote. With the payout structure and the % of chance of longevity this would be a profitable program for WOSAT. Jo, we were not trying to use it as our own advantage. That is the dissention that ddk and dr. bob is trying to impose. We simply wanted to get "Started" with something. Here we go with the "Lie" I told in the conference. I backed Jackie and Adam concerning Dr Bob taking personal discussion from our chat and going to Dr. David. I was told I was not telling the truth! Well, How do you think Dr. David Knows that we were talking about getting involved with vm Before Wosat took off? And, even if he did know. What's the big deal! Many promote other programs besides Wosat. Everyone read Mike Kings post pg 83 1:28. there are some of the truths we were accused of lying about in the recent conference. Oh and by the way David. Mike is not nor has he ever been a part of an influence to team1. Jo-About the Elections nominations..Yeah right! How many do you think in this organization will refute what has been decided by their BM/TL? Even though they have no idea of the credentials or qualifications these people hold? Probably 0! And here we go...Dr David. Last post page 83: Of course you have to invite Jackie, Adam and Mike and whoever else to conference so you can publicly demean them in whatever way possible. Not the first time or the last. Joseph. pg. 84 Very good post. very polite and straightforward. Honest and truthful. Again, all he wanted to do was resign peacefully..Nope! won't happen.. Pat. pg 84. same thing. Very polite..just wants to resign her position. Peacefully. Nope! won't happen.. Here's Dr David King again...VMDIRECT. And the defiant team! Let me ask all this...If your President and leader Bashed you in public because you did something that you believed was ethical and right. Without coming to you privately about it first. What would you think? And, the funniest one..Steve Mccollum..pg86. I trully loved it! very amusing post...Watch what you wish for. Watch who you believe in. That's all I have...Onward Ho. Dr David King! Again, I must add. To all Wosat Members. I wish you all the luck in the world. If Dr David does not present himself in a business like form...Even when he is upset about the way things are going...These problems that have presented themselves will not subcede. To Dr. David King....I really wish you all the luck in completing this adventure. I just wish you would look back at the way you are treating people that you have a disagreement with...There are better ways! In resignation, Angela Cardwell With Pride I Promote
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Re: Power Plays and Corp life (on a lighter note)
1/24/2006 8:22:19 AM
Dear Angela Thanks for your post and for your more than ugly viewpoint of what you seem to think I am and do. It is interesting to note that you are so set on the fact that you know it all and you are the sole authority of Dr King. I will not honor as such with a reply in the interest of putting this behind us and moving on. I accept your resignation and wish you well. Warmest regards Dr King
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King

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