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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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1/21/2006 7:14:48 AM
Dearest Dr David King, You are one of my first friends at AdlandPro and I appreciate that you visit my HomePage as I do with yours. Deepest from my heart I recognize all your work and I congratulate you for this, but things are difficult to work internationally especially when trying to build an interantional company. I am also an internationalist but many factors are against that. I apologize for one of my inputs in your forums. Somewhere I wrote "Empty words" directed to you. I did that when I realized that I am out of WOSAT not because of your fault, not because of my fault but by the system we live in. I admit that my behaviour was ironic. I do not ask for apologizies for all my other replies at Wizards of Success Adventure Team, because it had to be done. It was not meant to insult you for your beliefs and absolutely not about your knowledge in other languages. It was a metaforic way to show that eventhough our languages have many things common, background, value, culture, tradition and history sometimes we cannot understand each other. ( I am sure you liked the form of introducing a foreign language in an understandable way in your language). I know you are a religious man. I am too. In the name of our Creator I am giving you my hand. I will stay low (standby for a period) with all my best wishes that WOSAT will be a basis for your dreams, my dreams, for all the member's dreams, because we all want to live and we all want to live in harmony in a society without injustice. Yours Sincerely Genesis (alias Georgios C Paraskevopoulos) PS My Family name in English means Maker, it was given to me by my parents.
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
In Reply To Georgious From Dr King
1/21/2006 8:21:37 AM
Dearest Georgious With humble gratitude I accept your hand and I to recognize that the equalities that we all face are so much a part of the overall seeking of freedom that everybody desires to live their life and dreams as God intended. It is often due to our diversification of cultures and environment in which we are raised that we destroy through no fault of our own those things that we value so much. I walk a life of servitude and have for 45 years for our precious Lord Jesus Christ. In all things I try to remember that even as our Saviour was misunderstood and persecuted, I to will walk in His foot steps as many before me and certainly many after. I would never allow myself to lose anyone that God sends my way that are seeking the Kingdom of Heaven and through my living and example of His Love my first thought is always. What would Jesus do if he were here and more important What would I do if Jesus was standing here with me. Kind Sir, though I understand your metaphoric play on words many of lesser learning and understanding might not, and when there is that possibility, I have always found that it is better to not do this sort of thing as the advisery is only waiting for the opportunity to see the slightest opening to attack and attempt to have his way. As you know and I as well where there is confusion there in he abides as well as any type of misery and suffering that we have seen to much of. Thus I try to not place the stumbling block before those that might be snared into that grasp. As a messenger and vessel of the Word I am ever trying as I am sure you are to be the best we can be for His names sake. If there be a way to do this it will be required of each of us the unity of mind and purpose and I know that we will not fail provided we do it with that being our focus and through always being willing to work toward our goals united. Please accept my apology for any indescretion and or for anything that I may have done as well, that would have caused you to feel that I thought, I was more than or superior to you in anyway, for indeed I count you a very intelligent person of substance and am ever hopeful that we as a whole will be able to draw upon each others talents and strengths to the success of the team. As for your membership we will always be able to work united as it is our freedom to do so Though as was in the early days of the church they could not speak out loud they used the sign of the Fish in the ground to identify there association and unity of belief. So there are many ways to work together some have to for the continuation of the faith be more reserved and then there are those of us that can be more vocal and this often as well can cause misunderstanding. With out regard though God Loves us all equally. May we agree to work to these ends sharing His precious Love always. With Highest Regard Dedicated I Remain In His Service Dr David King
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King
1/21/2006 8:55:10 AM
Good Morning To All This is a friendly reminder that the Board and Team Leaders will meet today to nominate the Officer Positions for the Team in the conference room at 3:30 PM EST. All members are welcome to attend and observe the meeting. I also want to say that if you have comment or questions that you should always get them to your Team Leader and or Board Member by Wednesday Evenings so that they may allow for them to be placed on the agenda. I am including the direct software link below so that you may download the software to your machine if you have not been able to do so yet. Here Is the Link We will also be setting up some meetings in the near future which will be discussed today as to a place for all members to convene and share together. Please feel free to attend. With Warmest Regards Dedicated I Remain T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King
1/21/2006 10:55:25 AM
Greetings to my WOSAT sibs--It is great to be at the TOP of the list. To click from advantage and arrive at THE forum. Thanks to the Editor. Also it is great to have resolved each of our problems. We know where we are and from here we have the challenge to commitment for our advance, for our mutual reality and to show caring for each other. We have a new type of social grouping, if you will, websters, as I call an internet friend. Just like the children of Israel we are blessed to have a leader,in fact a King, Dr David, we will name him and pray for his leadership in coming days and years that the Son rise on him.Let us take our journey and let us go.Letus protect our legal identity and pay our taxes, after deductions,and if we have foreign issues, let us help our fellow websters to incorporate their businesses in Nevada or Maryland.Let us take the journey with all that we have. Let us claim our freedom to the manna we have been promised. Let us each and everyone do our part diligently to achieve our success and our SUCCESS. Let us not fret about barrister and other vultures as we step out and up to receive manna. Think about this perspective that I respectfully and cordially deliver from the perspective of the high court of Pluto, Dr Bob
Dr. Bob
Kay Reeve

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1/21/2006 2:21:05 PM
Hi my Wosat friends, I would like to ask a question to clarify the finance committees research... If a cheque is posted to some countries it may take some time to clear. There has been talk of payment systems like E-gold. How would you receive your payment from E-gold? I would have presumed via your bank or cheque and therefore to no advantage. I just wanted to clear this up so we can look for a payment system to suit all. Thanks, Kay

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