From now on, all members will be welcome to join the board meetings on Saturdays at 5pm EST, 10pm GMT. This will be our regular time.
As members you will be allowed to listen into the meeting for as long as you wish, as Dr King feels this will help members come to realise the complexity of what we have been working on so far. You will not however be able to partake in the meeting in any other way.
Any questions should be put to your group leader or board member beforehand. Although there is private messaging in the conference I find that if a message pops up while I am typing, it dissappears again before it can be read. It would also distract your group leaders to do this in the meeting.
Your group leader will post the new entrance regulations by email as they are to be kept private to members only from now on and NOT posted in forums. These regulations are to be strictly adhered to for security of the company.
Last night's meeting accomplished the setting of two temporary sub committee's.
An officer committee:
Rick Marting as Chairman,
Adam Brown as co chair,
Robert DeMerode,
John Sanchez,
Cheryl Baxter,
Jackie Funt,
Norman Poll
and Dr King.
To set the job desciptions for President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer and Financial Board, and to establish bylaws.
Finances Committee:
Kay Reeve as Chairman,
Mike King as co chair
Alice Whyte
Myra Dwyer
Larry Anderson
Holly Goodyer
And Dr King
To assist in the setting up of a payment system/systems, researching financial obstacles such as taxes.
These two groups are to meet in private conferences - no members. Their decisions are to be brought to the next board meeting.
The reason for the sub committee is to reduce the agenda of the main board committee and use delegation to complete several newly ascertained tasks efficiently for the benefit of you all.
Please be patient as it was established last night that some of the difficulties all you wonderful members have posed in the forums, are very valid and need further insight and research. Dr King stated at the start that we would be responsible for WOSAT and we will all learn along the way. You chose us for these positions so we are willing to learn as we wish to do everything correctly from the beginning.