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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/20/2005
11/21/2005 9:53:04 AM
Hi Lee, So good to see your smiling face. You are quite welcome. I wish you many blessings as well, always. (Hugs to you) OOOOOOO God Bless! Marion
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/20/2005
11/21/2005 1:11:29 PM
Marion, Ooh la la. Your story is so special. I call myself believer also. Some so-called Christians act so abominably towards the least of these. Jesus said except your righteousness exceed that of the scribe and pharisee; you will have no part in his kingdom. I have a friend who never ceases to amaze me with her compassion towards the homeless and downcast -- I have seen her give them $20 bills and whatever money in her purse or buy them a meal. And yet I see some Christians want to spit on them and hate them. If they can only know that if your suddenly lost your income, they to would join the ranks of the homeless. Or if a Katrina hit your town, where would you be? Don't ever think or feel that you are too good to help someone for there but for the grace of God go I or my brother. My friend doesn't boast about her 'ligion or lack of it. She just does the work and helps whoever she can. In other words, pass forward all of the good that you can. Just pass if forward, for you may need someone to help you one day. Always be willing to go out of your way to help someone, whatever good you do it comes back to you. Or as Christ once said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and everything else will be added to you."
Lois Tett, Evangelist of Empowerment Facilitator for The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Effective teens and Effective Families. Growing your business is our business is our business. http://home.
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/20/2005
11/21/2005 3:30:26 PM
Marion, Thank you so much for this wonderful and touching story....yes, we are nothing more than vessels that God works through. The method in which we chose to touch or become a part of other's lives is what God is most interested in. Have a blessed and wonderful day! Your friend, Classic Corners "Nothing is impossible when you dream" http;//
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/20/2005
11/21/2005 7:36:54 PM
Hi Lois, I could not agree with you more here. True Christians would not spit on people that are homeless or down on their luck. We have people who come to our food ministry every week that are drunk or something but we can not turn our backs on these people. We can only try to help and pray for them. I know what it is like to loose your income and am grateful for every little thing I have now. You never know when it might happen to you so it is good to be considerate of everyone and help where you can. Thank you for coming by Lois. God Bless! Marion
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/20/2005
11/21/2005 7:41:19 PM
Hello Janise, You are welcome and thank you for taking the time to come by and post here. You are right, we do have a choice to make. We can chose to be kind and helpful or mean and hateful. My question is how would you like to be treated? Everyone of us are one of God's children, whether we are rich or poor, have a home or are homeless and we should all show some compassion and respect for one another always. God Bless! Marion
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